赛车游戏大小: 2.1G2024-11-26
免责声明:本游戏来自网络,若涉嫌侵权请 联系告知
操作系统CPU内存显卡存储空间推荐配置 Windows 7 Intel Core I5-760 (4*2800 MHz) 4096 MB RAM GeForce GTX 260 7 GB available space 最低配置 Windows XP AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (2*3000 MHz) 2048 MB RAM GeForce 8800 GT 7 GB available space
1). 使用winrar软件解压缩分卷的RAR得到游戏的光盘镜像ISO文件2). 使用DAEMONTOOLS虚拟光驱软件或者UltraISO软件模拟ISO文件到虚拟光驱上3). 到虚拟光驱上执行SETUP.EXE 安装游戏4). 复制虚拟光驱上的PLAZA目录里的所有文件到游戏安装目录里覆盖5). 执行 exe 开始游戏
> 80+ paint schemes across 45 licensed drivers. > All game patches and system updates from NASCAR '15. > Multiplayer compatibility with up to 16 online players > Single Race: Here is your chance to take the wheel of any of the 45 licensed drivers in NASCAR '15 Victory Edition, head to your favorite track and race through the entire weekend experience - practice, qualifying and race day! > Career Mode: Start as a rookie and become your own NASCAR legend across multiple seasons. Do you have what it takes to make it to The Chase and win it all? > Official Teams & Tracks: All of the top drivers, teams & tracks; from the high banks of Daytona and Talladega, to the twists & turns of Watkins Glen, and the history of Darlington.
· DirectX Redist 多国语言版9.29.1974 96MB·说明:必备运行库即是云斯顿赛车15游戏运行所必须要安装的程序,如果没有这些程序,游戏可能无法正常运行。点此下载常用运行库整合包(551M)含常见错误解决方法。
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